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- 1619Y00F05roman16Y00C3NBBC Entertainment - COMEDY WRITING
- 1218Y00F04ruby12Y00C4NLeached From
- 1201NBBC Web Site
- 1506Y00C1N
- 1415Y00F06avantg14NSo you want to write comedy for BBC Television?
- 1401N
- 1401NWhat shows does BBC Comedy make?
- 1406Y00C3N
- 0814Y00F05pearl08NThe BBC Comedy Department is responsible for situation comedy series, such as
- 0801N"One Foot In The Grave", "Men Behaving Badly", "Bottom", and "Only Fools and
- 0801NHorses". Such series almost invariably consist of six or seven 30 minute
- 0801Nepisodes recorded in front of a studio audience.
- 0801N
- 0806Y00C1N
- 1415Y00F06avantg14NI want to write a situation comedy series. What should I do?
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00C4N
- 0814Y00F05pearl08NHere are a few tips on what to submit:
- 0801N
- 0801NInitially submit one 30 minute script. Further episodes, plot lines or
- 0801Ndetailed character notes are unnecessary. The one script should convey the
- 0801Ncharacters, the series potential of the idea and your comedy writing ability.
- 0801N
- 0801NThe script should be well laid out and easy to read. It should consist
- 0801Nmainly of dialogue. Keep stage directions and descriptive passages to an
- 0801Nessential minimum.
- 0801N
- 0801NThe series premise should be very simple. A small but disparate collection
- 0801Nof people living or working together. Avoid bringing and keeping your
- 0801Ncharacters together through some elaborate contrivance.
- 0801N
- 0801NThe vast bulk of the action should ideally take place in no more than two or
- 0801Nthree settings that can be used episode after episode.
- 0801N
- 0801NMost sitcom characters are larger than life, but recognisably from life.
- 0801NRich in comic potential and emotional appeal, but believable.
- 0801N
- 0801NShow, don't tell. Make your characters do things which show what they are
- 0801Nlike. Try not to have them simply standing around telling us.
- 0801N
- 0801NSitcoms tend to be about people in stasis. At the end of each episode they
- 0801Nare almost always back at square one. They must not stay at square one
- 0801Nthroughout the episode, however. They should have a specific aim to fulfil
- 0801Nor problem to solve in each episode which causes them to go right round the
- 0801Nboard.
- 0801N
- 0801NTry to be original, inventive, and surprising. The most crucial aspect of
- 0801Nyour sitcom script is that it must be funny.
- 0801N
- 0806Y00C1N
- 1415Y00F06avantg14NWhere do I send my situation comedy script?
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00C5N
- 0801NAll new speculative scripts should be sent by post to:
- 0801N
- 1201NLONDON W12 7RJ
- 1201N
- 0814Y00F05pearl08N
- 0801NPlease enclose a script-size stamped, addressed envelope.
- 0801N
- 0801NThe BBC Comedy Department receives hundreds of scripts every year. All are
- 0801Nread, and if yours shows real potential it will be followed up.
- 0801N
- 0806Y00C1N
- 1415Y00F06avantg14NHow do I get tickets to a recording?
- 0819Y00F05pearl08Y00C2N
- 0801NYou are welcome to come and watch many of the comedy shows being recorded at
- 0801NBBC TV Centre. Please contact BBC Audience Services.
- 0801N
- 0801N
- 1415Y00F06avantg14NI want to write sketch comedy. What should I do?
- 0814Y00F05pearl08N
- 0801NAt present there is no BBC TV show which considers unsolicited sketches. If
- 0801Nyou want to take sketch writing further, there is a well worn path you may
- 0801Nlike to tread.
- 0801N
- 0801NThe long-running BBC Radio 4 show "Week Ending" holds weekly open meetings
- 0801Nfor anyone interested in writing and has a policy of reading and using
- 0801Nunsolicited material, as does another Radio 4 favourite, "The News
- 0801NHuddlines."
- 0801N
- 0801NMost TV shows do not consider non-commissioned submissions, but one or two,
- 0801Ne.g. "Spitting Image" and "Hale and Pace" have done in the past. You should
- 0801Nalways find out what a given show's policy is first, and then, if they are
- 0801Nreceptive, target your sketches to their requirements to ensure the best
- 0801Nchance of success.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00C6Y04C2NN.B. Many of the major broadcasters' shows are produced by independent
- 0801Nproduction companies, e.g. "Smith and Jones" at Talkback. In these cases you
- 0801Nshould write direct to the production company, not via the BBC or ITV.
- 0801N
- 1218Y00F04ruby12Y00C1NGood luck!
- *!EOF